Heya, I'm Skwidiot...

You can call me Skwid.I'm an artist on the internet.

Art by Moochypooch

Pronouns: Anything, I couldn’t care less what you call me.I'm Skwid, an anonymous amateur artist.I like drawing, music, games, & friends.I'm always open for an art trade!I am currently working on my webseries, 'December'.For the most part I am a regular person.I don't have any boundaries, so no need to be cautious.I'm working on a place where you can learn more about me below.For now, don't be afraid to find me on Discord. (@skwidiot)I promise I only bite people that I already know.

What would you like to learn more about?

So I was going to post examples of my art here however I believe I've hit the image limit for this website, or the files are too big.
Either way I don't really have any reason to show my art here, you’ll be able to find it on my commissions page. You can find all of my art on my various social media accounts.
But if you do like my art and want me to draw something for you, PLEASE, I beg you, just ask me. There's a 90% chance that I'll say yes, I enjoy doing things like that very much, don't be afraid, you don't owe me anything.

These are a couple of artists who I enjoy, you can click to check them out.

MBTI: INFP-A / Enneagram: 5w4 / Sign: Scorpio
(I don't care much about these labels, but I know that some people do, so here you go)
So, you want to know more about me?For starters, I highly value my anonymity and try to be very careful about my personal information. The more that you're around me the more that I'll share with you.I'm a very friendly person, if you want, please don't be afraid to reach out, I love making new friends.I have learned recently that I am, in fact, not a normal person. Because normal people are complicated, and it is so much easier to understand that a broken machine does not work, than it is to understand how a functional machine works.
This is a long way of saying that I like strange things, do strange stuff, and act in strange ways. I love strange things, I really do.
(If you're reading this and you're thinking, "This doesn't sound like the Skwid I know?" it means that I'm getting better at keeping it to myself.)
I have no idea if I'm doing this bio thing right? Am I doing good? I have no reference.My favorite color is purple. My favorite number is 16.
English is not my first language.
My birthday is on Halloween (31/10, DD/MM) and that makes me cooler than everyone.
I really like words, I think they are really cool and fun.
I love characters, alot, like an unhealthy amount, probably more than actual people (Yes, it's a problem.) I really love characters, and character design, and stories, I love it all. Please share your characters with me.
I am basically a vampire, I sleep like one, I love the cold and the dark, and there is a wooden stake through my heart. I do love garlic bread though, so I've got that going for me.I have a few medical conditions that I won't go into detail about but the primary one is that my ribs are all kinds of fucked up so sometimes I have to wear this metal exosuit lookin' thing that keeps my ribs from piercing my internal organs.
To summarize: My skeleton is fighting the rest of my body, and winning.
That and I'm basically insomnia incarnate.
I want people like my friends to understand that, yes I will genuinely do anything for you, for free. You do not have to worry about asking me things, I will say yes. (This is a threat to some of you.) If I'm being honest you do not even have to be my friend, you can be a stranger on the internet. Never worry to ask me anything I want to do it.I will litteraly die for you if you give me a family-size pack of Oreos.
(I am not joking.)
(I am 100% serious.)
(I CANNOT stress this enough.)
(Consider this a binding legal contract.)
If you're thinking that this is a little unorganized, it's because it is. I have to fit the whole thing in one textbox or I can't make the rest of the website.I play alot of video games, it's like one of the 4 things that I do. I don't really have a favorite genre, I just like to pick games and love them.I think alot, like alot. Especially about things that I like. So I will frequently talk for far too long and far too in depth about the things I like. If you want to know more about the things that I like, you can find those below.My, "status" (I guess), as an artist is something that I myself struggle with. I love art, and everything about it, and I know I have the ability. But sometimes I just, can't?
So that's why I make very little art, I'll fix myself sooner or later.
I have 4 braincells, and every time I think it's just them arguing whether I should, play games, draw, go to sleep, or drop dead.
(The third one wins most of the time.)
I get bored incredibly easily, not because I'm hard to please, or have poor attention, mostly just because I have a habit of not letting myself do things I enjoy. I don't know why, like I said, I learned very recently that I am in fact not normal.This is like, the tip of my iceberg so if I sound like a person to you, I promise I try not to bite.